Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Point number one: I am NOT giving up. I am just a little frustrated.

Frustration number one: My scale. I know that I shouldn't look at the scale every morning. I know that! But it's like a train wreck. I can't help it. No matter how much I don't want to, I still do it. And I am usually disappointed. But that isn't quite my frustration. I just don't really understand weight loss. On 11/30/07 I weighed 144.4 pounds. However, that is EXACTLY what I have stayed at throughout this time period until 1/14/08. You can't tell me that doing crazy cardio for an hour 5 days a week, with 3 weight lifting sessions, and eating between 1,400 and 1,600 calories a day, and I can't lose a damn pound. Not even .1 of a pound!! And then this morning, I climb on the scale, and I apparently weigh 145.8??!! How do I gain 1.4 pounds overnight after ALL that working out? Is there something WRONG with my scale? It also changes my body fat every day from anywhere from 30 to 19.......yeah right!! I know that my body fat is high, so the day it said 19.8 I think I just laughed..........probably hysterically. What is going on? What am I doing wrong?


Mamacita Chilena said...

that is so frustrating, I feel your pain...

are you drinking enough water? if you're doing all those crazy workouts but not hydrating properly your body could be retaining water which would make you gain weight.

hope the scale gets on board with your weight loss plans asap!

Robin said...

I agree with mamacita. Are you drinking lots of water? If you just started lifting weights, your muscles could be retaining water. (If they are sore, then they probably are retaining water.) Also, what kind of food are you eating. You need to get your calories from fruits, veggies, lean protein, and whole grains. If you are eating lots of "diet" food and 100 calorie packs, that could be detremental to your weight loss efforts.

If you are drinking lots of water and eating clean foods, then maybe increase your calories by 100 per day. Your body may be holding on to the fat because you aren't getting enough calories.

Hope it helps. Just keep at it.

(Weight) Loser said...

Hey ladies!! Thanks for all of the advice!! As for my eating, I have actually taken some nutrition classes and have met with a nutritionist!! That's why it's so frustrating!! I basically only eat vegetables and protein, with limited amounts of fruit and whole grains. Apparently I have a "carb sensitivity" which is why I go lower in those two categories!! I will, however, try and drink more water!! I guess all I can do is keep trying!!

Sarah said...


I know that those scales are uber sensitive to the amount of water in your body. Apparently they are least accurate in the morning (when most people are used to weighing themselves of course!) and most accurate in the afternoon when you've had a glass of water 30-60 min before hand.

Also, since you are doing more strength training, and eating lots of lean protein, its possible your body is actually building muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat, so you will be skinnier, but weigh more. So muscle is a curse and a blessing I guess. You look better but your scale doesn't know the difference!