Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Okay so the other day I said there was a difference between the magazine and the website, but apparently I just can't ending up being very close to the same thing.

Here is is in the magazine.

**Take your height in inches and multiply it by itself. (I am 65 inches tall so 65*65=4,225)
**Take this number times .031 (4,225*.031=130.98)
**If you have a small frame, take this number times .95--medium frame, keep the number--large frame *1.05 (I call myself medium)
**Add one pound if you have a sibling or parent that is obese. (I don't)
**Add 2 pounds for each decade you are over 20. (I am 25--can I add a pound because I am halfway?? Kidding.)
**Add 5 pounds if you have had children. (That's a negative)
**Subtract pounds for excercise:
1 pound for excercise and weight train once a week
2 pounds for excercise and weight train twice a week
3 pounds for excercise and weight train 5 or more times a week (This is me.)
**Add 4 pounds if you smoked at least a pack a day for a year or more and have quit. (Nope)
**Add 1 pound if you allow yourself a treat now and then. (Well hell yes. I dare you to find me someone who doesn't.)


What do you think about this??


Sarah said...

Hmm, ok I'm having some problems here. Mostly because I'm confused as to frame size.

The self article this relates to gets you to measure your frame by the actual circumference of your wrist (which mine comes out as a small frame.

But everywhere else I've read they say wrap your thumb and index finger around your wrist and if they overlap you have a small frame, meet you have a medium frame and if there is a space you have a large frame. According to that one I have a medium frame.

SO, my goal weight is 130, and according to this forumla if I actually have a small frame my 'happy weight' is 131 and if i have a medium frame my 'happy weight' is 139.

(Weight) Loser said...

Wow! That is a huge difference Sarah! 8 pounds is a big gap! But in all reality, to me, I don't really know what to think. On one hand, it could be a good measure of what your goal weight should be. But I am not a big fan of BMI (which is what they base this on) because everyone's body type is different!! I, for example, am in the "healthy BMI" range. I am nowhere near a "healthy" weight. I guess it's like trying on jeans! Two people can weigh the same, but wear completely different sizes!!

Isn't being a girl fun!!

P.O.M. said...

I'm totally going to have to look into this!

Let's see.. about your running questions: When I first tried to run, I was about 168 lbs! I hated it. I couldn't go far and I struggled with every step. I quit actually. Then I lost about 25 lbs from eating right and I decided to try running again. And to my surprise, it was much easier. I started at about half a mile. Then very slowly increased to a mile, then 1.5 and so on.

I was lucky to never experience shin splints. But I do this weird exercise all the time to strengthen my shins. Sit on a chair and put or feet flat on the floor. Then alternate lifting up the front of your foot, so you flex that weird muscle infront of your shin. I do it all the time and you can actually see my shin muscles. I think it helps.

Another "trick" I did when I started running (and I still do this). When I feel out of breath, I just slow down to a very very slow jog, but I never stop. You will eventually get your breath back, then you can pick up your pace. You have to push thru the mental blocks.

If you are experiencing real pain, then maybe see a physical therapist or check out if you running shoes are right for you. Running shoes are really important (and a great excuse to go shopping). If you have a true running store by your house - go there, as opposed to a sports store.

Stick with it. It will get easier.

P.O.M. said...

Ok, I did the Happy Weight thing and I have issues with it. Depending on if you consider me small or medium framed, my "happy weight is between 138 and 145. Hell no. If I was 145, yes I would be happy becuse I would be eating cookies and drinking wine all day. But I wouldn't be happy with my body. 138 is comfortable, but I think I need to be around 135. My ulimate dream is 130, but I would have to sacrafice way too much to get there.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Mine came out to 138, which is pretty darned close to where I want to be! (I cut myself a bit more slack than this quiz - I want to be 140!)

Thanks for sharing...very interesting!

Robin said...

Mine is 136, and that sounds pretty good to me. My first goal is 138, then I would like to lose maybe 5 more so I have a little wiggle room.