Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Big Finale

I have said over and over that the Biggest Loser is seriously so motivating. Week after week I have watched these people lose all of this weight over and over while I am running on the treadmill at the gym. And week by week I watch those pounds drop off and I run harder and harder.

But tonight was different. Because I actually watched the whole finale. First at the gym, and next on my Tivo when I got home while cleaning and doing laundry and packing my suitcase. And if I thought it was motivating then, it is even more motivating now. In particular, I watched Hollie talk about how hard it was to keep trying and keep trying and never see results. And how hard it was for her to be far away from her family and come home every night and to only have herself. She had so much to overcome and has to do it by herself. There are so many people on this show who say that they do it for their family and how great their family is and how supportive. And I just really sympathized with her and how hard it probably was for her! I definately don't have any family who really lives here, and I moved here after college for a job and don't know many people, but at least I can talk to my mom EVERY single day about this struggle and my triumphs and goals. I just always thought Hollie was so crabby and such a
Debbie Downer. She never had a smile on her face and she always looked so pouty. The Hollie I saw last night, is a completely different person. One who loves herself and has learned so much about herself. It's not only a weight transformation; it's a whole person transformation. I absolutely cannot get over the change in her.

And that's what I want for myself. To look as happy as Hollie looked today.

Congrats to them all. Everyone looked absolutely GORGEOUS!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


So I guess real quick I am going to jot down this little "note to myself."


I need to remind myself of this because every night I go to the gym and I don't want to do it, and I try and make excuses to myself, but every time, I go home feeling very accomplished and really happy that I actually went and worked out!!

So next time I don't want to do it.............I just need to look this up.

Which will probably be in about 10 hours when I get off of work and want to crawl into my bed........

Monday, December 10, 2007

Weekend warrior

So here I am. Starting on like week two of the blogging. I have to say, I am pretty disappointed in myself. I haven't worked out since Wednesday, even though Friday was supposed to be my only day off. I usually say I get Monday and Friday off. Monday because that is the night I volunteer until late, and usually on Fridays I skip because I may have a social event or something that night. But jeez, I slacked this weekend. Thursday night, I didn't get it done because I was shopping for a dress to wear on Friday night. Granted I didn't really eat dinner, and I did walk around the MOA for about 3 hours, but that is not excercise. Then I tried to get up Friday morning to go, but I am too lazy and I couldn't get up. Friday was my work holiday party, so I drank so much red wine I didn't want to get out of bed on Saturday until I was forced to because I had to go meet a girlfriend at a play. Where I once again drank so much red wine before and after, that I didn't want to work out yesterday and now here I am Monday. Volunteer day. And the worst part about all the drinking, is that I want to eat bad food when I am hungover. Granted I did WAYYYY better with my eating and stuck to my diet for the most part this weekend.

But jeez, what a disappointment. Like I am going to lose weight if I keep drinking like this.

It's just so hard being mid-twenties, and that is a huge part of my social life. Especially around the holidays.

Definately need to work on this and make it a goal. Better drinking habits.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The things I do.....

So I have realized that there are quite a number of things that I do that either hinder or help my weight loss. I am going to share some of my observations.

I will start off with the bad ones first!!

1. I hide my eating. That's where living alone can really haunt you!! In the office, it's easy to not eat. But at home. Please. All of that bad food just seems to be calling my name!
2. I am an emotional eater--I always feel like I DESERVE IT!!
3. I always pee before I weigh myself. Like it really matters!! To be honest, I do everything imaginable--pee, take off every thing I am wearing, blow my nose, etc.
4. I always get off the scale after the first attempt, and then get back on and off about 5 more times, "Just to be sure."
5. See number 4--after this, I pick up my hanging makeup bag, to make sure the scale is accurate and that I weigh more!!
6. See number 5--then I weigh myself again just to make sure!!

Here are some of the good things!!

7. When I feel full, I sprinkle pepper on my food (I hate it) so then I won't eat anymore!!
8. I walk around in the skyways after lunch. Seeing skinny people makes me want to be skinny, and seeing heavier people makes me want to be skinny!! It's a win/win situation!! Plus the excercise!!
9. I tell people I am dieting. Then, when you want to eat that jumbo calf sized Snickers from the vending machine, you don't do it, for fear someone will know you are cheating!!
10. I drink insane amounts of water!!!
11. I eat veggies throughout the afternoon, so when I go home (by myself--see number 1) then I don't eat as much because I am full!!
12. I don't keep snacks at my house!! Or in my desk for that matter!!

I have more to add! I just have to remember them!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

My stocking is not the only thing that is going to be stuffed........

In all honesty, I have been really good about my eating. So I am not stuffed. Yet. But I can just see it coming. It is only December 3rd and the treats are piling in!! Holiday parties and dinners. Friends going out for cocktails to "spend time together" around the holidays! Geesh. I can just see it now. And to top it off, I can't turn on the Food Network without there being some holiday cookie special. Yet I continue to torture myself by watching it!! How is Giada that skinny while making and eating all of that food??

I weighed myself yesterday morning and this morning and it said the same thing. But I think I will hold off to make sure it is real........

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I am basically stranded in my house today. I got up and went and got my oil changed, went to the gym, and then to the grocery store. Basically stayed within like a 20 block radius of my house, and never even went on the interstate. I love snow and everything, but not when it ruins my weekend plans. I had so much ambition to get so many things done, and yet here I am. Watching basketball on TV and not doing ANY of the things I wanted to do. Alas, I did do cardio today for an hour and i might still squeeze in my Mari Windsor pilates. But I am also tired, and I did it last night, and you aren't really supposed to do weights two days in a row, right??

Yes--I heard you. I am right. So I guess I will just have to stay here on the couch.