Friday, November 30, 2007

The Fat Stats

So I am just going to throw up a few stats to keep me going and I am going to update the measurements maybe every 2 or 4 weeks, and the weight weekly. In all honesty I weigh myself every day but.....

Weight: 152.4 pounds (Uggh)
Body Fat %: 31.4% (Disgusting)

The body fat one changes so much so only a huge jump would really mean anything.......

Weight: 144.4
Body Fat %: 27.5% (I haven't gotten any less body fat. This is deceiving, but I like it.)
Left leg: 22" (My left)
Right leg: 22.25" How the F is my right leg bigger???
Left arm: 11.75"
Right arm: 11.75"
Hips: 38.25"
Waist: 38.75"
High Waist: 32.75"
Bust: 34.25"

I don't know how accurate these actually are.........because I wear a way smaller size in jeans than a freaking 38!!!

But yes, my waist is bigger than my hips. I look like an apple.

Just depressing.

Goals for the week:
5 days of cardio
3 days of weights
Southbeach diet for two weeks to make me appreciate whole grain breads and fruits.

Goal loss: 2 pounds

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day Two

For me, each day that I actually continue to do this is a victory.

But whoah.....

Today I saw my arch-rival at Target. I almost had a weak moment. But I held it together. For today, I saw, that they have now put out, the MINT HOLIDAY M&M's!!!!!

Talk about a challenge. I LOVE M&M's. More than most people. And I especially LOVE the mint ones. Words cannot describe. But I mean, really. Of course this 6" turkey sub on dry crusty wheat bread is WAY better.

Of course it is.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Like Whoah..........

Like whoah........the only thing that can come out of my mouth. It's like a light just came on and I realized how much weight I need to lose. So this is the only thing I can get out of my mouth, because I continually shove M&Ms down my throat. I have read so many people's accounts of their weight loss, yada yada yada. I am wondering if this is the only thing that is going to keep me on this little journey I have decided to force myself into. I mean, be serious, I want to live a long and healthy life. So here goes. 25 pounds NEED to be dropped. I am going to Cancun in March, and this is a must. Don't really know if I can lose that many by then, but here we go.

Maybe I should set some goals. Obviously later because I am working.

Goals help keep you in line.

And I think I will also do measurements and such. Just to keep me on track.
